Diana Păunescu

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Diana Păunescu

Model by chance

Diana Păunescu is a less-known model in Romania but very well-known in Italy and Western Europe.
She started modelling by chance and she liked it quite a lot, nude photography being the only thing she does.

Who are you and why?

I am a small particle in a big universe, I am a human being with a child’s soul in a female body. Simple, sensitive, almost as if I am from another century. I am a mother, a wife, and a friend. I am the same and ever-changing, therefore nobody gets bored around me.

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When and how did you start modelling?

I started posting a few months after I moved to Italy. I did not know the language and I signed up for several agencies for various jobs. Everyone used to ask me to model for them. My husband insisted on trying and that’s what I did. I realized I like It and that I am quite good at it. I would have never imagined I would ever pose for a magazine I used to collect for a long time!

Why nude? Why not something else?

I think it’s because of the shape of my body, I am neither tall nor thin. I believe some models are built for it, like runway models built for presenting clothes, beauty models, jewellery, hair, etc. I don’t even think anything else would suit me since I feel so comfortable being naked, I present myself as I am!
What type of pictures would you never take?
There are genres I most probably never heard of but I am open to new ideas, although I would not go beyond common sense. Nothing vulgar or denigrating!

Money or art?

Art for sure! I am bohemian so no matter how optimistic I am, money is not my forte. That is because it is not a top priority for me. They are necessary but money is not everything. All you need is an amount to cover your basic needs and a little extra, enough to enjoy small things from time to time. I noticed that those who can afford anything cannot experience the satisfaction of obtaining something hard to achieve. Meanwhile, art, for those who appreciate it and live for it, feeds the mind and the soul.

What’s the worst thing that happened at a photoshoot?

There have been several, I couldn’t say which was crazier than the other, I would rather not remember any of them. But for the sake of it, I will mention one. One time, due to a misunderstanding regarding the contract, I did not receive my money for the photoshoot. It would not have been such a big deal if I had not worked for hours in harsh conditions, at over 40 degrees Celsius with no money for gas to go back home.

What about the best thing?

I have plenty of beautiful moments that happened to me at a photoshoot that I remember fondly. The best thing about my job is that you meet people with whom you become friends for life, people who make you work with pleasure. It was in Sicily where the best thing happened. I shot in a forbidden place. The city was deserted due to the unbearable heat, it felt like over 500 Celsius degrees, yet we still got caught behind the curtains by some locals. Somebody from the guard team sounded the alarm and the madness followed: we had 5 minutes to gather our things, get dressed and make ourselves blend in with the rest of the locals. It was almost like we were running away after robbing a place. Security got there surprisingly fast and we had to pretend we were reading a map we could barely unravel. They passed us at high speed and we escaped. It was quite exciting but I would not want to do it again!

Has it ever occurred to you that you encountered a photographer so overwhelmed by the situation that you had to give him directions and end up with a photo shoot that was completely your idea?
I have never made anyone work hard, almost everyone I have worked with knew what they wanted. I was, indeed, given the freedom to pose as I felt and it did not go wrong!

I saw you posed nude in the middle of the day on the streets of Paris and Amsterdam. If you could do it again, in which city from Romania could we see you posing nude on the street and why there?
In Amsterdam, I had a great experience and that's because the people there are much more open-minded. They were not shocked at all to see me, it was as if they saw such a thing every day; no one stopped to look, they just passed and smiled. In Romania it could not be possible, at least not in a crowded city. I posed for Playboy in Sasca Montana, Drobeta-Turnu-Severin, an absolutely beautiful place in the middle of nature. I would totally repeat the experience in a similar place, our country is beautiful!

You modelled all over Europe. Could you tell me five places you like so much that they inspire you to pose nude there.

Tuscany, Switzerland, Croatia, Malta, Moscow. In Tuscany, I posed nude but there are still many places I haven’t reached yet. Switzerland, Croatia, Malta for the amazing scenery and Moscow because I've never been there. I would take a picture in the Red Square.
What would you choose: a pictorial for a magazine or a calendar?
A pictorial for a calendar - it is timeless, it is something that attracts me! I like calendars!

A message to our readers:

Do what you want to do without fearing what others will say. You can't please everyone and you will be criticized anyway! I wish you inspiration and a lot of desire for beauty!


Powerful Duo: Jasmin and Michael by John Camino


Colors and shadows: Bianca by Ioan Florin


Down by the river: Asquitidis by BiLoo