Down by the river: Asquitidis by BiLoo

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Every woman overflows with eroticism and sensuality, even if she does not believe it herself. It is a truth that BiLoo set out to demonstrate through this pictorial.

I studied Architecture, but I dropped out for photography. My subject of photography – female nudes! Although I had no knowledge in the field, I persevered, studied on my own and photographed every woman who was my role model.

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I prefer to immortalize in my photos women who have no experience in posing – “simple girls, who are dominated by the insecurity of their appearance”! I prefer black and white photography, both for the contrast and for the fact that I think that any color distracts attention from the model and her shapes!
The vast majority of my models confessed to me that they are not exactly proud of certain parts of their bodies, so they never saw themselves in the nude model position. But, through my photos, I sought to change their perception of their own person, of their own sexuality, showing them the “being” that they do not know, that they do not see in the mirror.

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I prefer to pose in nature because I noticed that they feel free there. In nature, during the photo shoot, they leave behind their prejudices and “take the animal” out of them! There they can be “wild, they can show their side that society condemns! This is also the case of Asquitidis, the model in this pictorial, who preferred to be presented under a stage name. She was convinced that she is neither the sexiest nor any enviable sex symbol! But the ideas of the pictorial, the water of Timiș and the sand on its banks transposed her into a state full of eroticism. She proved to me, also to you, but especially to herself, that she is a woman with a body worthy of adoration!


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Powerful Duo: Jasmin and Michael by John Camino


Colors and shadows: Bianca by Ioan Florin


Down by the river: Asquitidis by BiLoo