The life of every artist has been disrupted by the major changes (many not exactly auspicious) that the world is going through today. Obviously, these changes have affected us as well, so this year we recorded an inadmissibly long break between the fifth edition and the current one of IMAGINE Magazine. I would like art to be above any vicissitudes, but unfortunately this is not the case. That is why it is important to treat any obstacle as a new challenge and to turn any obstacle into a new opportunity.

We used this period to channel our efforts to expand the IMAGINE family. Thus, in addition to the IMAGINE Magazine art catalog, we created – the place for visual artists community, the place where we can know each other, were we can interact, it is the place where no form of art censorship is allowed !
The last and third step is, the place where images come to life in the form of prints, tangible art that will enrich the walls of your home. I invite you to visit it by clicking on the page on the left. And because the wait was long, I invite you to enjoy this new edition of IMAGINE Magazine. In this edition we are focusing on diversity of sensuality and nude photography, on the beauty of the human body … Enjoy it!

Gabi Gogiu

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  1. A iesit foarte fain revista. Felicitari! Totodata as vrea sa multumesc pentru oportunitatea de a avea si eu lucrarile mele alaturi de toti artistii super tari si modele super frumoase. Sper ca in viitor sa mai am ocazia de a participa. Succes in continuare!