Ștefan Surugiu

Ștefan Surugiu

“Your naked body should be touched only by those who fall in love with your naked soul.” Charlie Chaplin

Bare soul. Too few times do we dare to look at our soul being stripped away of the walls that we are forced by to build around us by society or by reason. Lost in this labyrinth, in search of the validation from others, we forget to look at our soul in the mirror, to discover ourselves, to listen to ourselves and to accept our true self.

From the moment we walk in the light of this life, we’re searching for something that we lack, something to make us feel “whole” again, although, paradoxically, we have never actually known that state. Some of us are still searching, others believe they have found the “whole” by linking their destiny to someone else’s life, and too few are they looking at themselves.

We are alone, trully alone and that should not scare us, when we can accept this the world will open up to us.

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Powerful Duo: Jasmin and Michael by John Camino


Colors and shadows: Bianca by Ioan Florin


Down by the river: Asquitidis by BiLoo