Vlad Dark

Vlad Dark

The DARK Side!

“I don’t live in the dark, the dark lives inside me!” is Vlad Dark’s favourite quote. His works revolve around his appeal to The Dark Side although every similarity stops right there.

I met Vlad a few years ago, at a workshop organized in his studio. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING – from the décor of the walls to the darkness of his stare – is dark-inspired. Turned out, his nickname is actually Vlad Dark – nothing could suit him better!

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After having a conversation with him, I found out he is actually a very caring photographer, eager to help his comrades whether it’s with advice, an opinion or even some nice words! Therefore, although his work makes you think he is a fan of the Sith Brothers, my bet is he’s more of a Jedi fan.

Instead, when it comes to photography, red and black are raised in honour, being the colours and shades that ‘paint’ his photographic vision. When I proposed to him that he send us a pictorial for the magazine, he replied by saying that he believes his style could be easily misunderstood by the general public, which makes him happy and that he prefers to work as his heart dictates, without caring about rules or opinions. I believe that “beauty is found in the eye of the beholder!” and those who are big Darth Vader fans will appreciate his work; I have no doubts!


Powerful Duo: Jasmin and Michael by John Camino


Colors and shadows: Bianca by Ioan Florin


Down by the river: Asquitidis by BiLoo