It’s easy to make, it’s difficult to sell! It’s easy to launch a magazine, it’s difficult to keep going. It all started as a dream, more of an attempt than a well-defined idea. That’s how it began and after a few pages we built IMAGINE Magazine as a magazine that we would like to buy.
And here we are, we passed our first and most important exam, the one where the second edition rises to the same level as the first one, but with something extra.

We said from the very beginning that IMAGINE Magazine is a visual art magazine, so in this edition we will focus on the other arts that delight the eye, such as painting, sculpture, drawing, etc. In addition, as of today, IMAGINE Magazine project can be found not only in the classical pages format but also on Vimeo and Youtube, where we invite you to follow us.

Of course, the main pillar remains the magazine itself which we welcome you to enjoy!

Enjoy your reading!

Gabi Gogiu

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