Although July is the hottest month of the year, the mercury in the thermometers did not rise to lightning levels until the last few days, so we can say that the only heat was caused by the alarming figures of the pandemic.

For the most conscientious of you, those who preferred to remain in isolation and not to crowd the beaches or mountain resorts, IMAGINE Magazine presents itself with the third edition, something more special, because it aims to warm the atmosphere by pictorials and really hot interviews! From the semiwild horses of Cappadocia, through the desolate Chernobyl desert, we move on to the revelations of an artist who left the CEO’s chair for painting, to the secrets of professional photo retouching and to the impressions from the last Nude Photo Workshop organized by us.

But, in this edition we focus on nudes, on sensuality, on the beauty of the human body, even on erotic photography. Enjoy your reading with a juice or a cold beer!

Enjoy your reading!

Gabi Gogiu

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